Robot Raconteur Core C++ Library
Command Line Options

Robot Raconteur version 0.9.3 introduced command line option parsing for Node Setup classes. The following is an example of a program being started with the hardware transport disabled, the node name changed to testprog10, the TCP listen port changed to 62222, and the log level set to DEBUG. (There are many other options available beyond the ones shown in this example!)

./my_device_driver --robotraconteur-hardware-enable=false --robotraconteur-nodename=testprog10 --robotraconteur-tcp-port=62222 --robotraconteur-log-level=DEBUG

Node Setup classes must be configured to use command line options. See below.

Available Options

Options can be boolean, int, or string. Boolean must be true or false.

The following options are available:

Option Type Client Default Server Default Description
--robotraconteur-discovery-listening-enable= boolean true true Enable node discovery listening
--robotraconteur-discovery-announce-enable= boolean false true Enable node discovery listening
--robotraconteur-local-enable= boolean true true Enable Local transport
--robotraconteur-tcp-enable= boolean true true Enable TCP transport
--robotraconteur-hardware-enable= boolean false false Enable Hardware transport (USB,PCIe,Bluetooth)
--robotraconteur-intra-enable= boolean true true Enable Intra transport
--robotraconteur-local-start-server= boolean false true Start Local transport server
--robotraconteur-local-start-client= boolean false false Start Local transport named client. Ignored if start-server is true
--robotraconteur-local-server-public= boolean false true Start Local transport server as public on local machine
--robotraconteur-tcp-start-server= boolean false true Start TCP transport server
--robotraconteur-tcp-listen-localhost= boolean false false TCP transport server listen on localhost only
--robotraconteur-tcp-start-server-sharer= boolean false true Start TCP transport server using port sharer
--robotraconteur-tcp-ws-add-origin= string Comma separated list of WebSocket origins to add to TCP transport access control
--robotraconteur-tcp-ws-remove-origin= string Comma separated list of WebSocket origins to remove from TCP transport access control
--robotraconteur-tcp-ipv4-discovery= boolean false false Enable IPv4 discovery if discovery announce and/or listening is enabled
--robotraconteur-tcp-ipv6-discovery= boolean true true Enable IPv6 discovery if discovery announce and/or listening is enabled
--robotraconteur-intra-start-server= boolean false true Start Intra transport server
--robotraconteur-disable-timeouts= boolean false false Disable timeouts by setting to a large value (for debugging purposes)
--robotraconteur-disable-message4= boolean false false
--robotraconteur-disable-stringtable= boolean true true
--robotraconteur-load-tls= boolean false false Load TLS certificate for TCP transport. Default true for SecureServerNodeSetup
--robotraconteur-require-tls= boolean false false Require TLS certificate for TCP transport. Default true for SecureServerNodeSetup
--robotraconteur-nodeid= string Override the NodeID for the node. NodeID is typically determined by the Local transport on startup using system cache
--robotraconteur-nodename= string program specific Override the NodeName for the node. The default NodeName is typically set by the program
--robotraconteur-tcp-port= string program specific Override the TCP listen port. The default port is typically set by the program
--robotraconteur-log-level= string WARNING WARNING Sets the log level of the node. This overrides the environmental variable. Valid settings are FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE.
--robotraconteur-local-tap-enable= boolean false false Enable local tap feature (must also specify tap name)
--robotraconteur-local-tap-name= string Name of local tap
--robotraconteur-jumbo-message= boolean false false Enable jumbo messages (up to 100 MB)

Enable Command Line Options

Programs using Robot Raconteur must be configured to use command line options. This is accomplished using the NodeSetup classes. The following sections demonstrate using the command line options in each language.

** Note that [tcp_port] and [node_name] are placeholders and the real values are specific to each program! **


C++ uses argc and argv from the main function to pass to the node setup:


ClientNodeSetup node_setup(ROBOTRACONTEUR_SERVICE_TYPES, argc, argv);


ServerNodeSetup node_setup(ROBOTRACONTEUR_SERVICE_TYPES, [node_name], [tcp_port], argc, argv);


C# uses args (type string[]) from the program main function to pass to the node setup:


using(var node_setup = ClientNodeSetup(args)) { ... }


using(var node_setup = ServerNodeSetup([node_name], [tcp_port], args)) { ... }


Java uses args (type String[]) from the program main function to pass to the node setup:


ClientNodeSetup node_setup = ClientNodeSetup(args);


ServerNodeSetup node_setup = ServerNodeSetup([node_name], [tcp_port], args);


Python can either be initialized using from RobotRaconteur.Client import * for a default client configurations, or using the node setup classes. The RobotRaconteur.Client module supports command line options starting in version 0.10.


from RobotRaconteur.Client import *



import RobotRaconteur as RR
RRN = RR.RobotRaconteurNode.s
import sys

with RR.ServerNodeSetup([node_name], [tcp_port], argv=sys.argv) as node_setup:


Command line options are not supported for MATLAB