►NRobotRaconteur | |
CAutoResetEvent | Synchronization event for thread synchronization. Resets automatically after being triggered |
CBroadcastDownsampler | Downsampler to manage rate of packets sent to client |
CBroadcastDownsamplerStep | Class for automatic broadcast downsampler stepping |
CBrowserWebSocketTransport | Transport for creating client connections inside a web browser using WebSockets |
CCallback | callback member type interface |
Ccdouble | Complex double precision floating point number |
Ccfloat | Complex single precision floating point number |
Crr_bool | Logical boolean represented using 8 bits |
CRRObject | Base class for all Robot Raconteur objects |
CRRValue | Base class for all Robot Raconteur value types (except primitives) |
CMessageElementData | Base class for types that can be stored in MessageElement |
CRRArray | Numeric primitive or character array value type |
CRRBaseArray | Base class for numeric and character array value types |
CRRMap | Map container value type |
CRRList | List container value type |
CRRStructure | Base class for user defined structure value types |
CRRMultiDimBaseArray | Base class for numeric multidimensional arrays |
CRRMultiDimArray | Numeric primitive multidimensional array value type |
CRRPod | Base class for user defined pod value types |
CRRPodBaseArray | Base class for pod array value types |
CRRPodArray | pod array value type |
CRRPodBaseMultiDimArray | Base class for pod multidimensional arrays |
CRRPodMultiDimArray | pod multidimensional array value type |
CRRNamedBaseArray | Base class for namedarray array value types |
CRRNamedArray | namedarray array value type |
CRRNamedBaseMultiDimArray | Base class for namedarray multidimensional arrays |
CRRNamedMultiDimArray | namedarray multidimensional array value type |
CTimeSpec | Represents. a point in time. Used by wire members to timestamp packets |
CServiceInfo2 | Contains information about a service found using discovery |
CNodeInfo2 | Contains information about a node detected using discovery |
CNodeDiscoveryInfoURL | A candidate node connection URL and its timestamp |
CNodeDiscoveryInfo | Raw information used to announce and detect nodes |
CRobotRaconteurException | Base class for Robot Raconteur exceptions |
CConnectionException | Exception thrown when connection to remote node fails |
CProtocolException | Exception thrown when a protocol failure occurs on a tranport connection |
CServiceNotFoundException | Exception thrown when a service cannot be found on a remote node |
CObjectNotFoundException | Exception thrown when a service object cannot be found |
CInvalidEndpointException | Exception thrown when an attempt is made to send a message to an invalid endpoint |
CEndpointCommunicationFatalException | Exception thrown when an attempt to send a message to an endpoint fails |
CNodeNotFoundException | Exception thrown if the specified node cannot be found |
CServiceException | Exception thrown when an exception occurs during an operation on a service |
CMemberNotFoundException | Exception thrown when the specified object member is not found |
CMemberFormatMismatchException | Exception thrown when a request to a member has an invalid MessageEntryType or the wrong message elements |
CDataTypeMismatchException | Exception thrown when incorrect data is received by a member |
CDataTypeException | Exception thrown when unexpected or incompatible data is provided |
CDataSerializationException | Exception thrown when data cannot be serialized |
CMessageEntryNotFoundException | Exception thrown when an expected MessageEntry is not found |
CMessageElementNotFoundException | Exception thrown wen an expected MessageElement is not found |
CUnknownException | Exception representing an unknown exception type |
CInvalidOperationException | Exception thrown when an invalid operation is attempted |
CInvalidArgumentException | Exception thrown for an invalid argument |
COperationFailedException | Exception thrown when an operation fails |
CNullValueException | Exception thrown for an unexpected null value |
CInternalErrorException | Exception thrown when an internal error has occurred |
CPermissionDeniedException | Exception thrown when permission is denied to a service member |
CSystemResourcePermissionDeniedException | Exception thrown when permission to a system resource is denied |
COutOfSystemResourceException | Exception thrown when a system resource has been exhausted |
CSystemResourceException | Exception thrown when a system resource error occurs |
CResourceNotFoundException | Exception thrown when a system resource is not found |
CIOException | Exception thrown when an input/output error occurs |
CBufferLimitViolationException | Exception thrown when a transport buffer limit is violated |
CServiceDefinitionException | Exception thrown when a service definition cannot be parsed or fails verification |
COutOfRangeException | Exception thrown when an attempt to acces an array or container index is out of range |
CKeyNotFoundException | Exception thrown when a key is not found in a map |
CInvalidConfigurationException | Exception thrown when an invalid configuration is specified or encountered |
CInvalidStateException | Exception thrown when an invalid state is specified or encountered |
CRobotRaconteurRemoteException | Exception thrown when an error occurs on a remote member request |
CRequestTimeoutException | The request timed out |
CReadOnlyMemberException | An attempt was made to write/set a read only member |
CWriteOnlyMemberException | An attempt was mode to read/get a write only member |
CNotImplementedException | Exception thrown if a member is not implemented |
CMemberBusyException | Thrown is a member is busy. Retry later |
CValueNotSetException | Exception thrown if a value has not been set |
CAuthenticationException | Exception thrown when authentication is required or attempt to authenticate fails |
CObjectLockedException | Exception thrown when attempting to access a locked service object |
CAbortOperationException | Exception passed to generators to trigger an abort |
COperationAbortedException | Exception thrown when an operation is aborted |
CStopIterationException | Exception thrown when a generator has finished sending results |
COperationTimeoutException | Exception thrown when an operation does not complete in the expected time |
COperationCancelledException | Exception thrown when an operation is cancelled before it is started |
CGenerator | Generator type for use with generator functions, with parameter and return |
CGenerator< Return, void > | Generator type for use with generator functions, with return |
CGenerator< void, Param > | Generator type for use with generator functions, with parameter |
CSyncGenerator | Helper class for synchronous service generators |
CSyncGenerator< Return, void > | Helper class for synchronous service generators. |
CSyncGenerator< void, Param > | Helper class for synchronous service generators. |
CRangeGenerator | Utility class to use a C++ range with Generator<Return,void> |
CHardwareTransport | Transport for USB, Bluetooth, and PCIe hardware devices |
CIntraTransport | Transport for intra-process communication |
CLocalTransport | Transport for communication between processes using UNIX domain sockets |
CNodeNameAlreadyInUse | Exception thrown if the NodeName is already in use |
CNodeIDAlreadyInUse | Exception thrown if the NodeID is already in use |
CRRLogRecord | Robot Raconteur log record |
CLogRecordHandler | Base class of log record handler |
CFileLogRecordHandler | Log record handler that saves to a file |
CArrayMemoryBase | Base class for ArrayMemory |
CArrayMemory | Single dimensional numeric primitive random access memory region |
CMultiDimArrayMemoryBase | Base class for MultiDimArrayMemory |
CMultiDimArrayMemory | Multidimensional numeric primitive random access memory region |
CPodArrayMemory | Single dimensional pod random access memory region |
CPodMultiDimArrayMemory | Multidimensional pod random access memory region |
CNamedArrayMemory | Single dimensional namedarray random access memory region |
CNamedMultiDimArrayMemory | Multidimensional namedarray random access memory region |
CNodeDirectories | Directories on local system used by the node |
CNodeDirectoriesUtil | Utility functions for working with NodeDirectories |
CGetUuidForNameAndLockResult | Structure to hold result of GetUuidForNameAndLock |
CNodeDirectoriesResourceAlreadyInUse | Exception thrown by GetUuidForNameAndLockResult if the name with the specified scope is currently in use |
CNodeID | NodeID UUID storage and generation |
CCommandLineConfigParser | Command line parser for node setup classes |
CRobotRaconteurNodeSetup | Setup a node using specified options and manage node lifecycle |
CClientNodeSetup | Initializes a RobotRaconteurNode instance to default configuration for a client only node |
CServerNodeSetup | Initializes a RobotRaconteurNode instance to default configuration for a server and client node |
CSecureServerNodeSetup | Initializes a RobotRaconteurNode instance to default configuration for a secure server and client node |
CPipeEndpointBase | Base class for PipeEndpoint |
CPipeEndpoint | Pipe endpoint used to transmit reliable or unreliable data streams |
CPipeBase | Base class for Pipe |
CPipe | pipe member type interface |
CPipeBroadcasterBase | Base class for PipeBroadcaster |
CPipeBroadcaster | Broadcaster to send packets to all connected clients |
►CRobotRaconteurNode | The central node implementation |
CScopedMonitorLock | Wrapper for RobotRaconteurNode::MonitorEnter() and RobotRaconteurNode::MonitorExit() to take advantage of RAII scoping |
CServiceSecurityPolicy | Security policy for Robot Raconteur service |
CAuthenticatedUser | Class representing an authenticated user |
CUserAuthenticator | Base class for user authenticators |
CPasswordFileUserAuthenticator | Simple authenticator using a list of username, password hash, and privileges stored in a file or string |
CIRRServiceObject | Interface for service objects to receive service notifications |
CServerContext | Context for services registered in a node for use by clients |
CServerEndpoint | Server endpoint representing a client connection |
CIRobotRaconteurMonitorObject | Service object monitor lock notification |
CRRObject_default_impl | Base class for default service object implementations |
CServiceDefinitionParseInfo | Service definition parse information |
CRobotRaconteurVersion | Robot Raconteur Version storage class |
CServiceDefinitionParseException | Exception thrown when a parsing error occurs |
CServiceDefinitionVerifyException | Exception thrown when a service definition verification failure occurs |
CServiceDefinition | Class representing a service definition |
CNamedTypeDefinition | Base class for user-defined named types |
CServiceEntryDefinition | Class representing a service entry definition |
CMemberDefinition | Base class for member definitions |
CPropertyDefinition | Class for property and field member definitions |
CFunctionDefinition | Class for function member definitions |
CEventDefinition | Class for event member definitions |
CObjRefDefinition | Class for objref member definitions |
CPipeDefinition | Class for pipe member definitions |
CCallbackDefinition | Class for callback member definitions |
CWireDefinition | Class for wire member definitions |
CMemoryDefinition | Class for memory member definitions |
CTypeDefinition | Class for type definitions |
CExceptionDefinition | Class for exception definitions |
CUsingDefinition | Class for using definitions |
CConstantDefinition_StructField | Class for constant structure field definitions |
CConstantDefinition | Class for constant definitions |
CEnumDefinition | Class for enum definitions |
CEnumDefinitionValue | Class representing an enum definition value |
CServiceFactory | Base class for service factories |
CDynamicServiceFactory | Dynamic service factory base class |
Cpod_field_array | Storage for pod array fields |
CWireConnection | Wire connection used to transmit "most recent" values |
CWireSubscription | Subscription for wire members that aggregates the values from client wire connections |
CPipeSubscription | Subscription for pipe members that aggregates incoming packets from client pipe endpoints |
CServiceSubscriptionFilterNode | Subscription filter node information |
CServiceSubscriptionFilterAttribute | Subscription filter attribute for use with ServiceSubscriptionFilter |
CServiceSubscriptionFilterAttributeGroup | Subscription filter attribute group for use with ServiceSubscriptionFilter |
CServiceSubscriptionFilter | Subscription filter |
CServiceSubscriptionClientID | ClientID for use with ServiceSubscription |
CServiceInfo2Subscription | Subscription for information about detected services |
CServiceSubscription | Subscription that automatically connects services and manages lifecycle of connected services |
CWireSubscriptionBase | Base class for WireSubscription |
CPipeSubscriptionBase | Base class for PipeSubscription |
CSubObjectSubscription | Subscription for sub objects of the default client |
CServiceSubscriptionManagerDetails | ServiceSubscriptionManager subscription connection information |
CServiceSubscriptionManager | Class to manage multiple subscriptions to services |
CMessageTap | Base class for message taps |
CLocalMessageTap | Local message tap |
CTcpTransport | Transport for Transport Control Protocol Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) networks |
CThreadPool | Thread pool for Robot Raconteur nodes |
CThreadPoolFactory | ThreadPool factory for use with RobotRaconteurNode |
CIOContextThreadPool | Thread pool for use with an external boost::asio::io_context and thread pool |
CIOContextThreadPool_AsyncResultAdapter | Adapter for asynchronous operations for use with IOContextThreadPool |
CTimerEvent | Timer event structure |
CTimer | A timer to invoke a callback |
CRate | Rate to stabilize a loop |
CTransport | Base class for transports |
CWireConnectionBase | Base class for WireConnection |
CWireBase | Base class for Wire |
CWire | wire member type interface |
CWireBroadcasterBase | Base class for WireBroadcaster |
CWireBroadcaster | Broadcaster to send values to all connected clients |
CWireUnicastReceiver | Receive the InValue from the most recent connection |